Vitamin E, 912
Vitamin K, 23, 107, 202, 861
Vitamin K metabolism, 863
Vitamin K, oral anticoagulants, 861
Vitamin metabolism, 901
Vitamin-like substances, 927
Vitamin-responsive inherited metabolic
disorders, 926
lipid soluble, 216
Vitreous space, 183
Vitronectin, 163, 830
se e
lipoproteins, very-low-density
Voice pitch, 787
Vomiting, 206, 214, 298
von Hippel-Lindau, 535
von Hippel-Lindau tumor, 767
von Willebrand disease, 871
von Willebrand factor, 314, 844, 850, 856
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, 954
Warfarin, 862, 863
Water, 1,931
hydrogen-bonded structure, 58
physical properties of, 2
Water metabolism, 929
Water-soluble vitamins, 914
Watson and Francis Crick in, 521
Watson-Crick DNA structure, 524
Weight loss, 511
Wernicke’s encephalopathy, 63, 915
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, 915
Western diet, 216, 333
Wheat germ agglutinin, 194
Wheat protein, 332
Williams, 535
Williams factor, 844
Wilms’ tumor, 569, 612
Wilson’s disease, 26, 128, 590, 683, 895,
Wobble, 572
Wolff-Chaikoff effect, 774
Wolffian, 781
X, 586
*60010C cells, 492
*600115, 598
*60010C-actin, 459
X chromosome, 303
inactivation of, 605
X-linked, 535
X-linked form of SCID, 537
Xanthine oxidase, 270
inhibition of, 94
Xanthine oxidase deficiency, 637
Xanthine oxidase reaction, 629
Xanthinuria, 630
Xbal, 531
Xenobiotic, 220
X en o p u s la evis,
Xeroderma pigmentosum, 559
Xerostomia, 198
XSCID, 535
Xylitol, 140
Y-chromosome, 781
Z-band, 457
Z-disks, 453, 458
Z DNA, 526, 533
Z protein, 692
Zafirlukast, 398
Zellweger syndrome, 438
peroxisomes and, 372
Zero order rate constant, 75
Zero order reaction, 75, 76
Zinc, 893, 897, 899
Zinc deficiency, 897
Zinc finger, 601,603
Zinc finger transcription factor, 601
Zinc ion, 9, 108
Zinc protoporphyrin, 897
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, 203, 204
Zona fasciculata, 749
Zona glomerulosa, 749
Zona occludens toxin (ZOT), 221
Zona reticularis, 749
Zwitterions, 27
Zymogen, 110, 182, 214, 842
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